Monday, November 30, 2009

Fall in Georgia. 09/28/09

It's definitely feeling like Fall here in Atlanta, GA. The air is crisp and the Cicada's Lullaby has been replaced with "Swaying Tree Songs". With an occasional gust of wind, leaves trickle slowly to the ground making a crystalline sound as they reach their destinations. This time of year is truly magical. Nature takes out her brushes and paints the trees deep red with hints of yellow and orange. I swear I can almost smell the cider mulling; musky apple with hints of clove, ginger and cinnamon.

This is the season that I always seem to feel my best physically, emotionally and mentally. Fall represents change for me. It's the end of one era and the beginning of the next. And the future looks beautiful from where I'm standing.

This past Sunday, Matt and I ventured to the Appalachian Foothills in North Georgia. In this part of the state the trees are even more abundant (if that's possible). Though the leaves have just begun to change, the mountains have a yellow hue. A promise of colors that I'm positive will blow my mind.

As usual Matt and I found ourselves lost (some would worry about being lost in the Appalachians). Being lost always seems to yield a hidden treasure for us. Hence the many adventures we've had since moving to Georgia. This day proved to be the same! A sign boasting Amicolola Falls State Park caught Matt's attention. It's always as if we find our guide point! Our main goal is the Falls! Anything we find along the way is just a bonus.

We've been to a couple of "Falls" State general a healthy hike is required to see the waterfall. It's like a teaser. You can hear the water rushing, but just can't quite get to it. You see, Matt and I are not hikers. We are flip flop wearing, drive to the attraction types. So I must say I was pleasantly surprised to find that this park was a bit different. Upon driving into Amicolola Falls Park and an insanely steep drive up the side of a mountain we found ourselves at the "Top of the Falls Overlook". A short walk and we were standing in paradise! A small bridge is situated at the very spot that the water begins it's descent down the side of the mountain. A small stream runs into a raging waterfall. In fact, the falls are so steep that you can't see all the way to the bottom! The sound of the water is very powerful and kind of makes your heart skip a beat. Oh and the view! I swear you could see all the way to Tennessee!

We drove to the bottom of the falls to see the calm pond that the falls run into. It's the strangest thing! Matt and I stopped to watch the water skimming bugs and orange leaves floating peacefully.

Yet another trip in Georgia that proves that the best adventures are the least traveled! Until the next adventure!

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